Sunday, November 6, 2011


Sheesh, I have been down to one post a week recently! Been so busy, and I can't believe it's already November. Seems like yesterday 2011 started, and now here we are in holiday mode again, which seems to come earlier and earlier every year.

Speaking of the holidays...we shot our photos for our Christmas cards yesterday. I am SO excited, and can't wait to send them out!! I really want to post some photos, but Jon would kill me. This year there is apparently going to be a Woolley Christmas Card Off with the brother and sister in law, so we have to keep ours under lock and key. Dave and Car, you better bring it!!

Anyways, just a quick one tonight. I was watching one of Jon's games a week or so ago and this little mole-rat-mouse-groundhog-thing appeared and sat still long enough for me to snap some pictures. It was either blind or had an affinity for the lens. More to come, I promise. Working on lots of things. Off to paint and bake some thank you cookies for our photographers!!