Wednesday, February 22, 2012

40 Days of Design

Today is Ash Wednesday which marks the start of Lent. Every year I try to give something up: Diet Coke, chocolate, desserts...etc. Last year I was trying to figure out what to give up, when Jon suggested I do something instead of cutting something out. So last year I decided to do some type of art every day, for forty days. It was a struggle, but it helped me to get back into what I love doing. 

This year I will be doing the same - some type of creation every day. It could be in the form of designing a logo, taking pictures, or finishing that giant painting that has been sitting in the corner for the last few months... I will do it! I will be documenting some of my work on my blog, and will try to remember to post a picture every day via twitter.

Day One:
I am currently in the middle of editing photos for a shoot I did for some friends back in England. I have a couple more editing sessions to go, but I thought I would post a sneak preview. Gary and Charlo were recently engaged and asked me to take some photos while we were visiting. Here is a peek at the upcoming photos:


Sunday, February 19, 2012

Bondy Business Card

This past Christmas we were lucky enough to spend the holiday with our lovely fam in the UK. Part of visiting over Christmas-time is trying to figure out what to get everyone.

My sister-in-law had gotten some generic “Mummy Cards” from a website awhile back, to hand out when meeting new friends. I saw them and thought, it might be fun to surprise her with some new ones for Christmas! So after finding out what colors she likes, I went to work and designed her something I thought represented her. We wrapped them up, and on Christmas when she opened them she excitedly said, “You pimped my mummy cards!!” I couldn’t have asked for a better compliment. :)

Sian and her family had moved right before Christmas, and the kids are getting settled in a new school with new friends. What better time to have a new set of mummy cards to hand out?! Hope she has fun handing them out. Missing you, and the rest of the Bonds, sis!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Housewarming Gifts

Finally I can start posting all of the gifts I was creating before Christmas without ruining the surprise! So here is the first installment of the family Christmas gifts. We knew Dave and Carli had moved, and for a housewarming gift/Christmas gift I thought I would paint them something to hang in their new home. I saw this quote somewhere awhile back, and knew I would use it somewhere. I thought it was a great saying for someone buying a new home...and I especially liked the part about 'families', as Dave and Carli are now expecting! Jon and I are so excited to be an Aunt and an Uncle again; what a blessing. So, below is our first gift to Dave and Carli, though I'm sure there will be many more to come :)