Sunday, October 23, 2011

1 Year Later

One year ago today, I married my best friend. We had a fabulous ceremony and reception, surrounded by our loving family and friends. One year later, it still seems surreal and I can't believe how blessed we have been. I started thinking about our anniversary in August (the planner that I am), and did a little research. 

Each anniversary has a traditional theme, and the first year is paper. Lucky me!! The decision was easy; I wanted to do something very personal with our vows, since we both wrote them ourselves. I decided to recreate them in the same style as our invites, and also add a small informational card stating where the wedding was held, who was there, the date and a few other incidentals. Below is what I came up with...but I can't take all the credit. I got it professionally framed at Michael's, and even with about twelve different coupons it wasn't the cheapest of gifts - though I'd like to think it was worth every penny. I was able to pick out the frame, and the double matte around the vows and photo, tying in the burlap table cloths we had at the reception with the textured tan matte. I even picked one of the photos ABM Photography shot for us of our rings, complete with pumpkins. 

I am so excited to give this to Jon, and what's even better is the in-laws are here for the week too! So the four of us will be able to share the gift together. I couldn't be more happy. Thanks for the memories this last year, (and the years before!) and here's to many, many more. xxxxx

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


It has been forever since I have posted something! I apologize; I am working on things! Plus I have been really busy getting Christmas gifts ready for everyone, and if I post those now, well that will ruin the surprise won't it? All I can say is, after Christmas, stay tuned - there are some fun things in the works. And yet again another apology for the lighting. San Diego has been dreary the last week or so, and especially by our house. Natural lighting is getting more and more difficult to find after work. 

So here is the latest from Mandy Organizes! Everyone is already thinking about Christmas, and Mandy is putting on an event to help us all prepare and get started on Christmas shopping early. On November 5th, Mandy will be hosting an event that features many small businesses and boutiques, selling their items in a casual environment complete with door prizes, food and drinks, and special discounts for attendees. Mandy asked me to design a flyer to promote the event, and in order to stay consistent with her branding, this is what I came up with.

For more information on the event (and to attend!), contact Mandy on facebook, or email her: mandy(at)mandyorganizes(dot)com


Friday, October 7, 2011

Keep Austin Weird

It's been a long time since I have posted some photography, so have a happy Photo Friday with these! Jon and I went to Austin, Texas last week for a good friend's wedding and had an absolute fabulous time. I was a bridesmaid, and knew I would be too busy to take some shots on the wedding day with my SLR (which I really regret!), but I was able to take it out the next day when Jon and I did a bike tour in Austin, Texas. 

Biking around a city is a great way to get to see what the city is all about, and this tour was no exception. We met some amazing people, and saw some very weird things, which I guess is fitting to "Keep Austin Weird". As we were looking at the city, Jon made a new friend that decided to share his bicycle with him. We also saw our share of cows that speckle the city, each one with a different artist's interpretation on them.

And how could I regret posting this fabulous photo of a new emerging sport we stumbled upon! Jon and I deemed it Kayak Paddle Battle - a mix of water polo and extreme kayaking, guaranteed to debut in the Olympics, 2040. We also had the chance to visit one of my favorite restaurant's: Walton's Fancy & Staple. Sandra Bullock, can you please open one in San Diego??! With $2.00 mimosas, how can one go wrong?

On a side note, I am sure Steve Jobs deserves an entire post all his own. However,  I really don't think I would be able to accurately articulate just how much of an impact the man has made on my life, and especially my career. So instead, I will choose to feature an excerpt from a dear friend, and one of the most talented writers I know - Alexandra Kogan. Kogs, thank you for this; I would never have been able to say it better:

"Steve Jobs died today. 

It's kind of hard to wrap your brain around the death of a cultural icon, particularly someone as larger-than-life-yet-achingly-human as Steve Jobs. I understand now how people felt about John Lennon's death; as a child, the magnitude of his passing didn't hit me as hard as it seemed to adults. 

For the generation before me, John Lennon symbolized rebellion, peace, counter culture, youthful idealism, creativity and willingness to stick one's neck out for one's beliefs, no matter how many people hated you for them. People could identify important moments of their lives with his music...and his death caught everyone completely off guard. 

With Steve Jobs, it's a little different in that we all pretty much knew he wasn't going to be around for much longer, particularly in the past few months. But his passage is equally huge, at least in terms of how very much his influence, his vision (and probably his marketing skills) have influenced our lives.

Jobs was nothing short of a Gen X icon; from his ad campaigns which cultivated our inherent quirky difference to his living proof that you could be a college dropout and still amount to something. My generation never really had much love 20 years ago; we were branded as losers, slackers, ne'er do wells and generally targeted as being destined to wear name tags and hairnets for the rest of our miserable existences. Apple (albeit without Steve Jobs some of the most pivotal years for Gen Xers) gave us a platform to claim as our own...and use to make something with.

No wonder so many of us became graphic designers and writers.

And so, I bid a bittersweet farewell to Steve Jobs. For all the good...the not so good...and sometimes, the downright ugly...I can't imagine what my life would have been without him. Or the world we live in, for that matter.

And I don't expect anyone to fill his shoes...but there's someone out there who didn't finish college, who resolutely refuses to follow the herd, who makes mistakes and learns from them and who follows his heart before anything else who is going to change the world.

The world needs its visionaries. And we lost one today. But there will be another one. And another one. Innovation...and the idominable human not owned or necessarily embodied by one person, as much as they can be exemplified by one."


-Alexandra Kogan
an excerpt from: Steve Jobs, Gen X and me

To view the article in its entirety, click here.

Monday, October 3, 2011

60 Things To Love

My Aunt's birthday is coming up at the end of this month. The big 6-0! She has been such an inspiration to me throughout my life, and I really wanted to make her something that would show how important she has been to our entire family. I had the idea to collect four or five 'favorite things' from members of our family and then list the best 60, one for each year. It took me a few months to collect all the information, but once I did, I came up with the below poster to display them. I have to give a big shout-out to my Uncle Kev for helping to collect all the photos, that line the top and bottom of the piece. 

Aunt Cath lives in downtown DC, and we don't get to see each other very often. Since she was coming out to visit us in San Diego at the end of September, we thought it was the best time to celebrate her big day. Below is a sampling of the gift, and the day.

Here is the actual piece, per many requests from the family. I do hope it's not too small to read. Enjoy!

The day was splendid, and we were blessed with a wonderful sunset: